Kelsey Hendricks, Tofino Kombucha, Tofino, BC, Canada

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

In 2013, while making a deposit at a bank, I asked the teller (who was a friend of mine) what she was drinking that day. The kombucha bottle was empty, but she let me smell the strong vinegary fumes still emitting from the bottle. Wow! I believed her when she said it was a health drink and that I should go to the store and buy a bottle. I tried it and I loved it! Soon, I had tried every brand and flavour sold in my small town, but I wanted more. Now it was time to try making it myself.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

Kombucha brewing really is an art form and when you love creating something you end up wanting to share your creation. Starting a kombucha company was a small idea that began to snowball and before you know my research into whether I should start a kombucha business turned into me ACTUALLY starting a kombucha business. It was a long process to get the business from an idea to a real thing living and growing in my basement. As exciting as it is to put a label on my bottle and see it leave for the grocery store and then see someone drinking and enjoying it, it’s even more exciting knowing that I am sharing something healthy that I love to make and hopefully it will help inspire more people to make healthier eating choices, including more fermented foods.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

Ferrytale Rose by Raincoast Kombucha from Powell River, BC (made with dried cherries, green rooibos and rose petals).

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

Former career: I have a background in accounting, administration, business, hospitality, and food service – all of which have been very useful in starting a beverage company. Other life: I am a mom, a wife, a gardener, a sourdough bread maker, an okay cook, a runner, a surfer, a hiker, a camper and lover of the outdoors.

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

Always be open to learning because sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know.







Skylar Williams, Circle City Kombucha, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

My mother turned me onto Kombucha in 2006, after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had read about GT Dave’s mother and her usage of Kombucha while battling the disease.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

Years ago I was trying out various forms of creativity, and Kombucha turned out to be something I enjoyed making. Eventually friends, including one of our co-founders, noticed I was making some good booch, and asked if I ever thought I might do something with it. The answer was, “YES,” and the rest is history

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

GT’s Trilogy and Divine Grape flavors were my early mainstays. Locally, Primal Delights’ Habanero Pineapple is lovely.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

Out of college I worked for MICROS Systems, Inc, and then Oracle Hospitality, in the IT sector. Happy to say I’m full time Kombucha Swiss Army Knife as of September.

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

I’m going to cheat on this one a bit and share something I posted ages ago on the ol’ Facebook that continues to echo for me:
With our humanity comes a responsibility to do more than just consume that which is tangible and that which is not.

The 12 virtues of a healthy human as once told by a 24 year old man-child, in no particular order:
