Shanti Volpe, Shanti Elixirs, Weaverville, NC, USA

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

Living in Asheville, NC I had heard about kombucha years ago but was never quite brave enough to try it. While attending a sacred beekeeping workshop I was introduced to Jun. When I was offered my very first glass of jun, I declined at first, due to the anti-candida diet I was on, but was convinced that it would help my health so I tried it. I fell in love and started brewing it myself so I could have more for my family and friends. It wasn’t until I attended the International Kombucha Conference in February of 2017 that I tried my first kombucha and of course with the fabulous kombucha bar I had the opportunity to try kombucha from all around the world!!!

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

I have been blessed with growing up in a yoga home where emphasis was placed on holistic health, yoga, and service. Naturally, I became interested in the health field. I became a nurse and perinatal educator right out of school and over the past 10 years have focused on my work as a lactation consultant. Working as a lactation consultant peaked my interest in gut health. My husband and I have 3 boys with whom I gave birth to naturally. My love of all things holistic and a desire to raise my children naturally led me to becoming a beekeeper and most recently drew me towards sacred beekeeping. At the workshop I attended I was taught the ancient art of jun brewing and was given my first jun scoby. I started brewing for family, friends, and co-workers and found that I needed to put a framework around what I was doing to cover my costs and my time. Before I knew it Shanti Elixirs was born.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

I like Synergy’s Mystic Mango.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

Nurse and Lactation Consultant

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

You are never alone or helpless, the force that guides the stars guides you too.


Richard Old, Batchwell, Auckland, New Zealand


Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

When I moved to Los Angeles in 2014. Like so many people, Whole Foods introduced me.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

Firstly because we all love kombucha! Low sugar, probiotic soda alternative – what’s not to love? I had visa ‘issues’ in the US and so needed to move back to my homeland of New Zealand. We had watched the market grow in California, and could see the market in New Zealand going a similar way, only a few years behind, so we decided to jump on. In a way we could see the future, and everything we expected to happen is now happening down here.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

When last in LA I had GT’s Trilogy on tap, which I yearn for.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

I have gone back and forth between food and entertainment. I have a Masters degree in Sound Recording design and perform music whenever I can. I started a popular free-range chicken restaurant in New Zealand called Bird on a Wire, and worked for tech startup Kombie, a mixed media entertainment app, in the US.

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

Go for gold!