Send a Message to Your Congressperson & Senators
We invite any US based Kombucha Lover or Kombucha Brewer to click on the link below to ask your local Congressperson and Senator to support the KOMBUCHA Act. It only takes 3 minutes and your message will let leadership know that as a consumer, you want access to traditionally fermented, raw and unpasteurized Kombucha.
The KOMBUCHA Act in the 118th Congress
H.R. 6495

Welcome to the KBI Lobbying Page! We are actively pursuing legislation to stabilize our industry and protect our brewers. The KOMBUCHA Act, raising the level at which kombucha brewers will be subject to the regulations imposed on alcoholic beverages to 1.25%, has been introduced in the 117th Congress as HR2124 and S892. Check back frequently for updates or subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop.
“The growth of kombucha production in our state and throughout the country creates jobs and a tasty beverage. This legislation would update taxes and regulations so these small businesses can continue to build on their achievements creating good jobs and good flavor for kombucha’s many fans.” – Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Original Sponsor of the KOMBUCHA Act. 2016-2021
“It’s important that our tax code evolve[s] to address its unintended consequences on emerging industries, and its effect on kombucha manufacturers is an example of why Congress must act to amend it. This bipartisan legislation is a commonsense fix that will provide regulatory and tax relief to small businesses in Colorado and throughout this country so that they can continue to create good-paying jobs.” Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) Original Sponsor of the KOMBUCHA Act. 2016
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Sponsors of H.R. 6495
Original Sponsors


Get Involved - Talk to Your Representatives
Past Lobbying Events: Virtual Hill Climb April 27-30, 2021 - US based kombucha breweries attended fun and informative sessions on the Hill to connect with their representatives. We've had 243 meetings thus far, exercise your rights and join us at our next Hill Climb! Email info@kombuchabrewers.org for more details on how to participate.
Last Lobbying Training Session April 22, 2021
Watch the Recording Here:
KBI Lobbying Training Materials:
Kombucha Brewery Outreach Instructions
Find Your State Senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
Find Your Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
KBI Members have access to exclusive member content. Login to view content at links listed below:
State Stat Sheets: https://kombuchabrewers.org/docs/state-stat-sheets/
Lobbying Training Videos: https://kombuchabrewers.org/groups/legislative-government-outreach/forum/topic/lobby-training-video.
Thank you to everyone who has supported our efforts since 2016:

221BC Kombucha (FL)
Angry Booch (FL)
Artisan Beverage Cooperative/Katalyst Kombucha (MA)
Ascent Kombucha (ID)
Blue Ridge Bucha (VA)
Buchi Kombucha (NC)
BWild Kombucha (OR)
Coastal Craft Kombucha (NY)
Counter Culture (FL)
Crossroads Kombucha (IN)
Cultured Leaf (MD)
Deane’s Kombucha (MN)
East Coast Kombucha Co (CT)
Elixir Kombucha (KY)
Ensign Beverage (NE)
Fermensch Kombucha (CA)
Fermentation Farm (CA)
Gnarbucha (FL)
GT’s Living Foods (CA)
Happy Leaf Kombucha (CO)
Health-Ade Kombucha (CA)
HEX Ferments (MD)
High Country (CO)
Humm Kombucha (OR)
Katboocha (NY)
KC Kombucha (CA)
KrafTea Kombucha Co (MA)
Komunity Kombucha (IL)
Tonic Kombucha (TX)
Kulture Kombucha Martha’s Vineyard (MA)
Laughing Gut (NY)
Living Vitalitea (FL)
Local Roots Kombucha (CA)
Mombucha (NY)
Moss Beach Kombucha (CA)
Mother Kombucha (FL)
Ninja Kombucha (VA)
One Love (SC)
Oregonic Tonic Kombucha (OR)
Owl Spoon Water Kefir (VA)
Panacea Brewing (NC)
Pilot Kombucha (NY)
Q Booch (GA)
Revel Kombucha (CA)
SeaQuake Brewing (CA)
Spring Branch Kombucha (MO)
SUM Bucha Charlotte (NC)
Tally Kombucha (FL)
The Federal Brewing Co (MD)
Tortuga Kombucha (MD)
Undone Kombucha (PA)
Virginia Kombucha Company (VA)
Other Supporters
Anna’s Kombucha and Café (IN)
Aqua ViTea (VT)
Awaken Kombucha (FL)
Baba’s Brew (PA)
BAO Food & Drink (NJ)
Bare Culture Kombucha (ID)
Bear’s Fruit Kombucha (NY)
Beejou Craft Kombucha (GA)
Big Norwegian Kombucha (NY)
Blessed Brewery (NY)
Bodhi Brewing (FL)
Boochy Mama’s (OH)
Bootleg Bucha (NY)
Boro Beverage (NC)
Brewing Life Miami (FL)
BuchaBae LLC (NJ)
Cape Cod Kombucha (MA)
Circle Kombucha (IN)
Companion Kombucha (MO)
Compassion Kombucha (OR)
Craft Kombucha (DC)
Deep Green Gardens (PA)
Element Kombucha (TX)
Everlasting Ferments (CA)
Figment Kombucha (GA)
Fine Feathers Kombucha (CA)
Fizzy River Kombucha (NJ)
Funky Fresh Ferments (PA)
GloryBucha (WA)
Golda Kombucha (GA)
Grand Jun Beverage Co (CO)
Herbucha (OR)
Hidden Pond Farm LLC (IN)
Holy Kombucha (TX)
Idaho Kombucha Co (ID)
Inspired Brews (PA)
Ithaca Kombucha (NY)
Jasper Ridge Kombucha (NC)
Kea Beverages (GA)
King of Clubs Kombucha (VA)
Komadre Kombucha (WA)
Kosmic Kombucha (TX)
Lapp It Up! Kombucha Tea (OH)
Lehigh Valley Kombucha (PA)
Lenny Boy Kombucha (NC)
Lion Heart Kombucha (OR)
Live Soda (TX)
Living Tea Brewing Co. (CA)
Lupa’s Kitchen (GA)
Madre Nostra Kombucha (TX)
Maha Kombucha Company (VA)
Mama Shari’s Kombucha (CA)
Milly Moon Kombucha (AZ)
Moody Culture (PA)
Mountain Culture Kombucha (VA)
Noble Earth (PA)
Noli South Kombucha (FL)
Non-Prophet Brewing Co (FL)
Porch Tea (PA)
Primal Delights Kombucha (IN)
Renewal Kombucha (PA)
Rich Elixirs (CA)
RocBucha (NY)
Seek North Kombucha (NY)
Shasta Kombucha (CA)
Skinny Piggy Kombucha (OH)
Sole Kombucha (PA)
Spruce Kombucha Co. (OR)
Stinging Kombucha (OR)
Tap Shack Kombucha (CA)
The Fifth Gallon Kombucha (KY)
The Kefir Chicks (PA)
Thrive Kombucha (KY)
Timbucha (NY)
Triad Bevs (CA)
Tribucha (NC)
UpDog Kombucha (NC)
Urban Farm Fermentory (ME)
Valens LLC (OH)
Wellness Kombucha (PA)
Whalebird Kombucha (CA)
Wild Kombucha (MD)
Zeal Tonic (CA)
Kombucha Brewers Push to Change Outdated Law – The Fermentation Association, 9/5/21
Rep. Raskin, Maryland kombucha makers join efforts to exempt industry from excise tax – Baltimore Business Journal, 8/11/21
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Kombucha Brewers Call for Update to Antiquated Tax Code – Kombucha Brewers International, Released 6/16/21
GT Dave backs The Kombucha Act: ‘Legislators understand the logic behind updating the law’ – Food Navigator, 5/21/21
Fifth Time the Charm for KOMBUCHA Act? – The Fermentation Association, 04/13/21
Blumenauer, Wyden sponsor bill to protect kombucha from beer tax – Portland Business Journal, 03/29/2021
Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s statement of record in Congress – Congressional Record, 03/23/21
Kombucha Act Reintroduced in Congress – Food Navigator USA, 03/25/21
Are tax rules impacting kombucha in need of a revamp? KOMBUCHA Act to be reintroduced in Congress – Food Navigator USA, 02/19/21
When the Tax Man Comes For Your Kombucha – Washington Examiner, 08/02/19
INSIGHT: Outdated Federal Law Should Be Changed to Foster Growing Kombucha Industry – Bloomberg Tax, 06/24/19
Kombucha Industry and Others Seek Tax Breaks of Their Own – Roll Call, 05/07/18
A New Bill Might Make Your Kombucha Addiction a Little Less Expensive – Quartz, 02/17/17