Lenni Semmelink and Shaw Kamada-Laws, Nourishing Wholefoods, Doonan, Queensland, Australia


Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

I was woofing around northern California and learning a lot of things about local food production, cooking and community skill sharing. I had tried kombucha before this period but it was at the fermentation clubs and pot lucks that I was blown away by the diversity of styles, flavours and creative possibilities that kombucha can be!

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

My partner started the business growing fresh sprouts for the farmers market, then we expanded into lacto fermented products, kombucha and water kefir and doing our own local distribution. I suppose the “why” behind it all is because we have been lucky enough to find a way to make a living that allows us to share our passion for food with our local community.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

I have to say that I really appreciate seasonal and unique home made kombucha brewed and shared between friends. A recent hit was lime and hops. I’ve also always loved drinking over-fermented home brew in kombucha based whisky sours.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

Parenting. My partner and I have three children under five so it can be pretty crazy managing a growing business and keeping the life balance in check but we do our best to remind each other of the bigger picture and dream about surfing, dancing, playing music, painting, making pots, cooking feasts and eating around a fire.

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

We’ll sleep better one day…