KBI Acid Study: A New Method for Measuring Acids in Kombucha

KBI Acid Study: A New Method for Measuring Acids in Kombucha


Cultured Analysis is a company made up of three chemists whose mission is to provide kombucha brewers with support through analytical testing and customized consultations. The complexity of kombucha is what makes it so unique but also leads to many difficulties in brewing it.
Cultured Analysis also focuses on research and development in the kombucha industry to better understand the complexities that arise in brewing, building product consistency, and scaling up while maintaining certain desired characteristics.

Through their R&D efforts, Cultured Analysis is developing a new method for analyzing the main acids in kombucha that is more cost effective and faster than traditional methods. This study was initiated as a way to validate the method using a wide range of kombucha samples nationally and internationally. The goal is to incorporate the method into a small instrument that could be used in-house by brewers. This utility will give brewers access to information about their kombucha acid profiles. The acid profiles of each brewer’s kombuchas are unique to their SCOBY, brewing process, and taste preference. Maintaining consistency in the acid profile of kombucha leads to a more consistent flavor.



JOIN US for the next interactive webinar on Wednesday, December 14, 1-3pm Pacific Time (GMT-7)! 


In this webinar, we will discuss the difference between pH and titratable acidity as well as the higher resolution that our method gives when accessing acidity. We will describe the findings of our study by looking at the data that identify the main acids and their corresponding concentrations in each sample. The webinar will also offer insight into a better understanding of acids, their effect on kombucha flavor, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different ways to measure acidity.




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