Cultured Analysis LLC is a company that focuses on analysis, consulting, and research and development in the kombucha industry. They consist of a team of three chemists who have developed a keen interest in kombucha and how it is brewed. They approached KBI to collaborate on an acidity study.
The purpose of this collaborative study with KBI is to collect and analyze a wide variety of primary ferments from a range of different kombucha brewers to further validate our new technology. Our hope is that this technology will ultimately be used by brewers as a useful means of providing quality control and consistency for their product.

Cultured Analysis, LLC are currently developing a method to determine the major acid components in a primary ferment. This information can be related to the final flavor of a finished kombucha product. Furthermore, the method can be potentially accomplished in-house as an alternative to more sophisticated and expensive instrumental techniques.
We would like to invite interested kombucha brewers to submit a sample collected at the end of the primary fermentation for us to analyze. Cultured Analysis will send each brewer a complementary sample collection kit. The only cost accrued by you would be shipment of the sample back to us at Cultured Analysis via normal ground shipping for around $15. They will also provide a report indicating the identity and concentrations of the major acid components present.
The data will then be analyzed and shared in a report on the KBI site. Plus we will hold a webinar for all participants to understand the results of the study.