Meet Our Members – Boochy Call Kombucha (MD)

Eric Kelchlin, Boochy Call Kombucha, Sharpsburg, MD

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

A: Kombucha arrived in my life in 2018 when sobriety became a life or death decision. I started drinking Kombucha instead of alcohol and this was the key ingredient that allowed me to break free from my addiction.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

A: I was an avid homebrewer for more than 15 years. I was planning to go professional, but decided it was the wrong path for me. I missed the brewing culture and creative outlet, so I started brewing Kombucha to rekindle my spirits. I developed a lot of friend tested recipes during our stay-at-home Covid pandemic retreat and soon realized that this new passion I had could become a new lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle with healthy, happy people. Boochy Call Kombucha was thus born out of the ashes of addiction.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

A: Ginger-Lemon from Health-Ade Kombucha. Yummy!

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

A: I’m a federal biologist that specializes in distance learning. It’s my big boy job that allows me to do my little boy fun job.

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

A: Everything in life is temporary and cyclic. Take a breath. A new wave is coming.


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