Meet Our Members – Fizzicle Kombucha and Kefir

Melissa Mak, Fizzicle Kombucha and Kefir, Singapore


Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

A: In 2012, upon returning to Singapore, I experienced IBS from my travels. At that time, a friend suggested incorporating fermented foods into my diet, and it healed my gut problems.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

A: We are the Maks! Our ancient surname before its final evolution actually meant fermentation starter. For the most part, we are doing it due to tradition and in honor of our ancestry.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

A: Any flavor from Blissful Bombooch!

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

A: Sports Studies Lecturer

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

A: Let’s get Fizzicle/Physical? I am a sports teacher after all.


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