SCOBY DNA Sequencing Study

KBI is excited to announce a partnership with Oregon State University to study the organisms present in Kombucha cultures from around the United States. The purpose of the study is to try sequence numerous samples from a wide variety of places to answer the question of “What is a SCOBY?”

After sequencing all of the samples, the data will be analyzed to see which organisms are common to all cultures, which are not, which are unique to specific locations. This information is the first step to gaining a deeper understanding of how the microorganisms contribute to flavor, alcohol content and more.


We are aiming for 200+ total samples to be analyzed in order to have a sufficient pool to draw conclusions. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn what is in your culture while also contributing to the deeper body of knowledge about Kombucha as a whole. Each participant will be provided a detailed report with all of the organisms present in their culture.

If you are a current KBI member, the cost is only $100 per sample. Part of the cost goes directly to the university to cover the sequencing, part of it is to cover shipping of kits and the purchase of the kit supplies and the rest covers administrative costs.

Non-KBI members are also invited to participate!. The cost is $250 per sample for non-members. Or join KBI today to receive the member pricing.

DNA sequencing typically costs several hundred up to thousands of dollars per sample, so this is a significant savings for valuable information. The data will only ever be presented in an aggregate format to protect confidentiality for all participants.

We have a tight timeline (all samples need to be received by October 15th extended to October 30th!), so please sign up today.

We look forward to your participation and hope to see you at KombuchaKon18 – Defining Our Culture where the results will be presented.


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Hannah Crum

Hannah Crum

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