Meet Our Members – SouLstice Kombucha (CT)

Maryann Houde, SouLstice Kombucha, Wallingford, CT

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

A: I first tasted kombucha in early 2021 when my daughter, who works for a Holistic wellness practice, was bringing home these bottles that were taking up a lot of space in my refrigerator. I asked her what all these drinks were and she explained that the doctors bring kombucha back to the office after lunch. I tasted it and did the “kombucha squint face”. It was very tart and not like anything I’ve tasted before. I asked what it was because I had never heard of it. She went on to explain that it was fermented tea and what all the benefits were that kombucha had. I said, “Fermented tea, huh? I think I can do better than this!” And I ordered my kombucha making kit. Very quickly, one jar turned into four and then into five gallon batches.

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

A: I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit and I was at a point in life that I knew it was time for me to move on from my previous vocation and work for myself. I started SouLstice because I want to help people get better and feel better. Bring awareness to healthier food choices. I’ve watched many people close to me suffer from ailments that modern medicine was just putting a bandage on, treating the symptom and not the cause. My family and business take a more holistic approach to health. Nourish the body with good clean foods, nourish the mind with positive thoughts and nourish the soul by going deeper into yourself, connecting with nature, the earth, and your Higher Source. Kombucha is just one way to work a little bit of wellness into your lifestyle.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

A: When I was in Florida in January 2022, I tasted Better Booch, Ginger + Lemongrass + Mint. And I loved it from the first sip. It’s clean and refreshing and inspired me to make my own version.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

A: I’m a winemaker, so fermentation is my “thing”. I love the idea of creating; seeing what you can transform into something else. Kombucha brewing came easy for me because of my skills and knowledge in winemaking. I left the wine world to build my kombucha company, and although I’m not making it commercially anymore, It’s one of my passions, so I will continue to make it for myself. And, needless to say, I will be experimenting with hard kombucha. That’s definitely in my future!

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

A: Don’t wait for the stars to align. Reach up and arrange them the way you want.


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