Legend of Kombucha & Origin of World Kombucha Day
221 BC

“The most famous legend of Kombucha’s origin dates it to the Qin dynasty (221-206 BCE) during which time … it was referred to as the “Tea of Immortality.” The emperor Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇) is said to have sought to lengthen his life by any means available and this Tea of Immortality was delivered by alchemists at his request.” The Big Book of Kombucha

While we many never know where exactly Kombucha originated, this legend hints at the reverence that Kombucha brewers have had for this beautiful culture. Watch the video below to learn more about its historic origins. To honor the year of 221 BC, Kombucha Brewers International has designated February 21st (aka 2.21) as WORLD KOMBUCHA DAY!



Kombucha Culture

The ethos behind World Kombucha Day is not only to celebrate our favorite ferment, it is also to raise awareness around symbiosis and interconnectedness; diversity and inclusion; our bonds as humans and stewards of the planet. To that end, collaborate and reach out to as many local brands as possible. This is an opportunity to celebrate the CULTURE of Kombucha as much as the drink.

Kombucha Culture Ethics

  • Healthy Boundaries lead to Healthy Culture
  • Strength in Diversity
  • Symbiosis provides win-win-win opportunities for people, planet & prosperity

Kombucha Brewing Industry Values

  • Symbiosis & Collaboration
  • Sustainability & Stewardship
  • Radical Transparency
  • Triple Bottom Line – People, Planet & Prosperity
  • Diversity is our Nature!

How to Celebrate World Kombucha Day

Kombucha Brands

  • Offer free Kombucha to everyone
    • BOGO – buy one get one free
    • Free to first XX customers
  • Hold a tasting event at your taproom, favorite retailer or farmers market
    • Special Kombucha Kocktails/Mocktails
    • Several brands collab together at favorite retailer or farmers market
    • Potential to raise money for earth focused causes
      • Donate a portion of proceeds to KBI
      • 1% for the Planet
      • Local cause
  • Suggested Ways to Celebrate the Culture of Kombucha
    • SCOBY/Culture Petting Zoo (originated by Kombucha Kamp)
      • Pull out your mothers and invite consumers to touch them
      • Dispose of handled cultures for safety
    • Kombucha Brewing Demo
      • Offer a free workshop to walk people through the steps of brewing Kombucha
      • Sell your own homebrew Kombucha kit or refer them to KombuchaKamp.com 
    • Giant Human SCOBY (originated by Kombucha Kamp)
      • Start the Giant Human SCOBY with the rules of engagement
        • “With safe touch & healthy boundaries, like the bacteria we love and as bacteriosapiens, we throw out our nanofibers of connection (aka your hands) to create a GIANT, HUMAN, SCOBY” 
      • Request that everyone’s hands touch in order to “Close the loop”
        • Pause for a moment to breathe – it is not always easy to get large groups to connect so enjoy the vibrations of shared experience
      • Offer your heartfelt thoughts of love, humanity & the planet or any aspect of “Kombucha Culture”
      • Thank everyone for showing up and coming together, “united we stand” & “diversity is our nature”
      • Take photos or a video to share on social media
    • Other ways to entertain the crowd
      • Live Music
      • Face Painters
      • Other Kombucha based or fermented food vendors


Kombucha Consumers

  • Attend a WKD event and bring your friends
  • Share our “What is Kombucha” YouTube video on social media
  • Post photos of you with your favorite Kombucha brand/homebrew & use the social media tags
  • Host a Kombucha tasting with friends
    • Can also be Hard Kombucha!
  • Wear your favorite Kombucha swag – post photos on social media
  • Share your story of how Kombucha has impacted your life on social media & tag us

Social Media Tags

Use these tags to celebrate the day!



#kombuchabrewers @kombuchabrewers







We are always searching for ways to create additional value for all of our members. To that end, we are spearheading a new opportunity for providing education and hands-on training at KombuchaKon ’20.  Our theme this year is “Leveling Up” and one of the areas our members have mentioned as a knowledge gap is in hands on experience working with lab and testing equipment to ensure the quality control aspects of brewing commercial Kombucha.

We are excited the following speakers and companies will be partnering with us to bring you this exciting opportunity.

The Core 4 – pH, Brix, TA & ABV with Evan Beyers & Kelley Freeman (BABS)

  • Educate attendees about basic lab practices (safety, pipetting, mixing, and note-taking)
  • Teach attendees the theory behind pH and how to optimally take pH samples. Have them perform their own pH measurements with demo equipment
  • Show attendees how to properly clean and maintain pH probe to get the maximum life out of probe
  • Educate attendees about the theory and background of a titration
  • Introduce attendees to the sour/sweet ratio (TA/Sugar).
  • Have them perform demo titrations using RedCheck
  • Explain to attendees how to use collect sugar and TA data to build sour/sweet ratio

RIDA®CUBE for In-House Enzyme Testing – Sugars, Acids, Ethanol and more (R-Biopharm)

  • Learn how to run enzymatic test kits on the RIDA®CUBE system including ethanol, organic acids, and sugars.
  • Learn how to use pipettors & discuss common pipetting errors (and how to avoid them!)
  • Discuss potential sampling issues.

Ethanol & Glucose Testing (OptiEnz Sensors)

What’s in your kombucha? It’s a critical question – one requiring fast and accurate measurements for the effective monitoring of ethanol and glucose concentrations in commercial kombucha processes. Proper monitoring results in higher product quality, product consistency, process improvement and efficiency, and verification that the alcoholic content doesn’t exceed the 0.5% ABV threshold for non-alcoholic beverages. OptiEnz has developed a fast, accurate, and low-cost analyzer for measuring ethanol and glucose in kombucha. The analyzer is based on optical enzymatic biosensing technology, meaning that enzymes and light are used together to accurately measure the alcohol and sugar in the beverage. In this workshop, attendees will learn about optical enzymatic biosensing principals as well as how to calibrate the instrument, make measurements in kombucha, and interpret the data produced.

  • Learn about optical enzymatic biosensor principals and applications
  • Hands-on instruction for making measurements with an OptiEnz analyzer.
  • Discussion about interpreting data.

From Distillation to Alcolyzer (Anton Paar)

  • Learn about tools and techniques to monitor and control your fermentation process

FUN-damentals of Kombucha Microscopy with Keisha Rose Harrison (OSU)

  • How to prepare a sample for plating
  • How to select media
  • How to perform a dilution series for plating
  • How to streak or spread plate to decide which technique works best
  • How to colony pick
  • DNA extraction from an isolated colony
  • How to prepare a wet mount for microscopic view
  • How to use a microscope
  • How to distinguish between yeast & bacteria under the microscope
  • How to characterize morphology of yeast & bacteria under the microscope
  • How to distinguish between AAB & LAB under the microscope

Attend just 1 session for $49 or attend all 5 for $199!


At Kombucha Summit 2019, Hannah Crum, President & Chairman of the Board Kombucha Brewers International (KBI), talks about the journey of how KBI came into being, its achievements in just 5 short years and what the future holds for the Kombucha industry.

Don’t miss the Kombucha Summitt interview with Hannah, where she discusses her journey into the world of Kombucha and her thoughts on the growth of the Kombucha industry in Europe.

11 dedicated KBI member brands and new affiliate member, Cetotec, gathered at the headquarters of KBI member Fairment in Berlin, Germany. We were treated to a wide variety of delicious ferments including Fairment’s line of fermented veggies, Kombucha and milk kefir. There was plenty of time to network and reconnect with old friends while meeting new ones.

[table id=24 /]

The program was well received and sparked great conversations. Justine Mudde of Euromonitor provided a comprehensive overview of the EU Kombucha market including where Kombucha falls in the portfolio of beverages as well as where expected growth trends for Kombucha and similar beverages are anticipated. While the EU market is a few years behind the US, there are loads of new brewers who are entering the space. With the trend toward less alcohol consumption and a preference for healthy drinks, there is a great opportunity for Kombucha. The trick is managing price expectations from a market that is used to cheap sodas and energy drinks.

KBI Members Login Here to Access the Presentation.

Photos credits Jan Vu Kombucha Summitt

KBI President, Hannah Crum, provided an overview of the new Standard of Identity that is currently being worked on by the Board. Several technical specifications are being considered and the group provided feedback on what elements they felt were important to include. It’s apparent that more testing and thoughtful consideration is required before finalizing a standard. Many voiced a desire to protect traditional brewing methods.

Fairment cooked up a delicious lunch of tempeh and the booch and conversation flowed easily.

The final presentation was a discussion about Techniques to Control Ethanol in Kombucha. The topic opened the floor to questions about production methods, best practices and how to manage scaling up and distribution. More experienced members offered their feedback and the exchange of information was free-flowing. By the end of the meeting, a new KBI EU Committee Head emerged and we are delighted to announce that Krister Häll of The Good Guys is our new Head.

We then ventured into the city to meet up with other Kombucha brewers at a local brewhouse for beer (it is Oktober Fest after all!) and dinner. Then off to BRLO for a craft beer tour. The following day was the commencement of the Kombucha Summit. The 2-day event generated 250 participants from nearly every country in the EU.

Photos credit Jan Vu from Kombucha Summitt

The event was put on as a collaboration of KBI Affiliate member, Denis Kelleher of Good Culture and Roy Kombucha (Berlin). The speaker roster included several current & former KBI members including Krister Häll of The Good Guys (Finland), Paul Seelhorst of Fairment (Germany), Adam Vanni of Jarr Kombucha (UK), Seb Bureau from Mannanova (Canada) and KBI President, Hannah Crum, who led the room in forming a “giant human SCOBY” enlivening the crowd.

KBI Affiliate member, Petainer, was also providing workshops and demonstrations on using one-way PET kegs.

image of the capitol bldg in washington dc

Our next Capitol Hill Climb to support the KOMBUCHA Act is NEXT WEEK. This is a unique networking opportunity for ANY USA based Kombucha brewers to not only exercise their rights as US citizens but also to share quality time with fellow brewers. Here are all of the great things we do on our biannual Hill Climbs!

  • Network with fellow brewers and save money by sharing accommodations in the KBI Airbnb
  • Learn the ropes of lobbying with experienced brewers
  • Advocate for your industry
  • Create valuable relationship building skills with lawmakers
  • Join us in Washington DC on 9/25
  • Airbnb House 9/24-9/26 (leave morning of 9/26)
  • Dinner 9/24 & post lobbying meetup at The Dubliner 9/25, leave the morning of 9/26
  • Specifically looking for companies from Maine, Indiana, Montana, South Carolina, Florida and anyone who is close enough to drive in from New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, New Hampshire, or any other eastern seaboard state to join us –
  • ** NON KBI MEMBERS also welcome to join us – We fight for your rights too!

More information about the KOMBUCHA Act and our lobbying efforts can be found on our website.  

 If you are available to join us, please contact KBI at info@kombuchabrewers.org to receive updated information as it becomes available. 

We are booking an Airbnb that will be located near the Congressional offices, so please let us asap then if you would like to stay with us. The final cost is a LOT less expensive than renting a hotel room and allows all of us to share space, break bread and have fun!


We had a productive Hill Climb in DC! We had nine brands from six different states gathered in Washington DC to exercise their rights and educate lawmakers about the KOMBUCHA Act. We attended a total of 19 meetings with members of the Senate Finance Committee, House Ways & Means Committee as well as with Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Stay tuned to your email box as we will be asking Kombucha brewers across the nation to sign letters exhorting their Congresspeople & Senators to support our legislation. If you’d like to volunteer to be the lead member in your state or district, please email info@kombuchabrewers.org for more details.

Check out our lobbying resources here. KBI Members can view lobbying training videos and learn more about the Act here.









Thanks again to:

BABA’s Brew, Olga Sorzano, PA

Craft Kombucha, Tanya Mangiyo, DC

Friend of Kombucha, Marian Flaxman, DC

GT’s Kombucha, Rick Martin, CA

Health-Ade, Amelia Winslow, CA

Hex Ferments, Shane Carpenter, MD

High Country, Shane Dickman, CO

Katboocha, Kat Schwartz, NY

Pilot Kombucha, Alex Ingalls, NY


B Corp Certification Process Webinar

Presented By Danny Metcalf – Director of Business Operations, Brew Dr. Kombucha

Join KBI & Danny Metcalf on Sept 18th @ 1pm PST for a webinar to discuss the process of B Corp certification. Brew Dr Kombucha embarked on the B Corp journey over three years ago to cement the core environmental/culture beliefs of Founder & CEO Matt Thomas.

Danny spearheaded the assessment process and implementation of policies to align with B Corp, leading to a successful certification in the fall of 2018. Since certification, Brew Doctor Kombucha has been actively working to ingrain B Corp into their day-to-day culture, operations, and belief edifice.

Does your brand aspire to cultivating change from within the corporate structure? Do these values align with your own? Then, we invite you to listen in and ask questions. FREE for KBI Members; $40 for non-members.


What is a Certified B Corporation?

“Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Society’s most challenging problems cannot be solved by government and nonprofits alone. The B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high quality jobs with dignity and purpose. By harnessing the power of business, B Corps use profits and growth as a means to a greater end: positive impact for their employees, communities, and the environment.

B Corps form a community of leaders and drive a global movement of people using business as a force for good. The values and aspirations of the B Corp community are embedded in the B Corp Declaration of Interdependence.”

About B Corps. Retrieved from https://bcorporation.net/about-b-corps


DATE: Sept 18th, 2019

TIME: 1-2pm PST; 30 min presentation & 15 min Q&A

COST: Free for KBI members, $40 for non-members


Have questions? Please send in advance to admin@kombuchabrewers.org 

Not a KBI Member, JOIN TODAY

Growing Strong Culture
By Ian Griffin, Booch News

From the welcome reception on Wednesday to the after-party on Friday, the attendees at the Kombucha Brewers International (KBI) 2019 sixth annual conference celebrated the theme of “Growing Strong Culture”.  As everyone who has brewed ‘booch knows, the quality of the drink depends on the strength of the SCOBY (the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). This year’s event was the biggest to date, with 424 attendees and 61 sponsor booths. People from 17 countries represented 112 brands from around the world. There were kombucha brewers from as far away as Japan, Iceland and Australia and as close to home as California and Oregon.

To hear what attracted some of the international visitors to the event, listen to this podcast.

Kombucha brewers at the conference gained strength from being part of a community of like-minded people.  It was a unique opportunity for people to come together as an industry. The content of the keynotes, the information from trade show vendors, and the discussions around the kombucha sample bar all gave new and experienced brewers alike valuable insight into a rapidly growing industry.



KBI Member Sessions

Thursday & Friday mornings were KBI member-only sessions. These sessions are rich with information for KBI Brewery members and cover a range of topics including the Treasurer’s Report, Membership Report, Standard of Identity and more. KBI members login here to access the presentations from the conference. Not a member? Join here.

 Trade Show

The 61 sponsor booths at the Trade Show showcased companies able to assist in every phase of the kombucha business.  A comprehensive set of solutions under one roof covered everything from financing and production to ingredients, testing, marketing and distribution. Anyone looking to start a kombucha company ought to start their search here to review the list of vendors for the tools they need to launch, evolve and strengthen their business.

There were multiple solutions on offer in each category.  Organic teas and flavorings sourced from around the world. Brewing vessels, kegs, bottling and labeling equipment for every sized operation. These suppliers also service the craft beer industry and solve similar challenges in the growing kombucha industry. 

To hear from a random selection of vendors check out this podcast.

Market Trends

Bobbie Leahy, director of sales for SPINS– the leading provider of data and insights for the natural foods industry – reviewed natural beverage trends. While US kombucha and fermented beverage sales are up 21% to $728 million in the past year, velocities are down.  Warning “what goes up sometimes goes down,” Leahy cautioned brewers to be ready to defend their distribution channels. It was no surprise to hear that the top four brands (GTs, KeVita, Health-Ade, and Humm) account for 85% of sales in the conventional channel.  The ‘long tail’ of the remaining brands each account for less than 1% of sales.



Game-Changing Brew Tank Design

Keeping alcohol content under 0.5% ABV is one of the main challenges faced by kombucha brewers.  A joint presentation by Stout Tanks and Kettles and Texas-based Bare Bucha described what might possibly be a game-changing design in stainless steel brewing tanks. Unlike the typical cylindrical-shaped vessels, Bare Bucha spent over a year experimenting with an innovative stackable tray designed to provide ideal levels of oxygen to the brew.  The increased contact with oxygen allows aerobic bacteria to metabolize ethanol to acetic acid; sugars to lactic acid; and glucose to gluconic acid. The Stout Tanks Symbiosis Fermenter shifts the balance towards bacteria, which reduces overall alcohol.

If these trays prove as effective with other brewers as they have for Bare Bucha, they could well be the shape of things to come and hopefully spurs additional innovations for fermenting Kombucha without compromising quality.

Kombucha Standards of Identity

KBI President Hannah Crum and members of the KBI Board gave an overview of the industry and called for establishing a standard of identity for ‘booch.  This is a diverse industry: 43% of KBI members are women-owned companies, 17% minority owned and 11% LGBTQ+ owned. Members brew ‘booch in everything from 2-gallon glass jars to 6,000-gallon stainless steel fermenters.

Work on developing meaningful standards of identity continues, as KBI gears up to publish an acceptable definition of authentic kombucha.  Under development since last fall, the standard will attempt to define authentic ‘booch both in terms of source materials and brewing process. It recognizes that creating an authentic product requires fermenting sweetened tea with a SCOBY and that the end product is not pasteurized or adulterated.

The campaign received a boost when GT Dave announced an endowment of $1 million to KBI in support of the program that will, he stated, “fight for what kombucha is, protect it, honor it, and celebrate it.”

Other presenters went into detail about the brewing techniques and best practices necessary to produce quality ‘booch, as well as the microbiology and DNA profiles of SCOBYs and kombucha liquid.

Laraine Dave $1 Million Endowment

Rapturous applause greeted the surprise announcement by GT Dave of a $1 million endowment gift to KBI. GT explained the endowment will help KBI in two main areas. ”First, it supports the promotion of the fair and cohesive legislation necessary for our industry to thrive. Second, we urgently need a standard of identity to protect the integrity of the product.”

GT Dave illustrated the challenge of maintaining authenticity by showing the range of what passes for “orange juice” on the shelves: from artificially flavored juice that might sell for $0.06/oz to fresh squeezed juice for $0.72/oz. Most consumers are well aware of the difference and willingly pay the price for the more authentic juice if that is important to them.  


Kombucha Tasting Bar

The well-stocked kombucha tasting bar was the office water cooler at the event.  Participants took advantage of the opportunity to share their kombucha with other attendees. There were over 50 brands on ice.  Everyone had a KombuchaKon 2019 souvenir shot glass and a chance to savor more flavors of kombucha in one place than anywhere else on the planet.

As people gathered around the ‘booch tasting bar at the end of the day, we asked what were some of the big takeaways. Here’s what they told us.

Tyler Gage calls for Fierce Collaboration

The founder of the RUNA energy drink brewed from guayusa, a nutrient dense leaf  found almost exclusively in the Amazonian forests in Ecuador, shared his story in a closing keynote. After college, Tyler moved to the rainforest for two years to learn the local languages and ancient traditions of the native Kichwa tribe. The company partners with these farmers in the Amazon to grow caffeinated guayusa leaves and provides income to the local community. RUNA now supports more than 3,000 farming families in Ecuador, and RUNA products are sold in over 10,000 stores across the U.S. and Canada. Tyler notes that “when you’re doing something authentic, that for whatever reason the universe tends to attract resources and support.” Though like every entrepreneur’s story, there were hiccups along the way, Tyler has landed on his feet at Terrafertil, a superfoods brand recently acquired by Nestle Foods.

His powerful story of how collaboration across cultures built a strong and successful company made a fitting end to KombuchaKon 2019.


Conference Recordings

Did you miss a talk or would you like to have all the info at your fingertips? Here’s your chance to have all the information that was presented at KKon19! Purchase your conference recording now for $199 by clicking on the ad. *Does not include Brewery Member only content.



Photo Gallery


Hannah Crum, President                        
Kombucha Brewers International

 Inspirational Beverage Entrepreneur Tyler Gage to
Deliver Keynote at KombuchaKon 2019

Los Angeles, CA: Kombucha Brewers International (KBI) is delighted to announce that Tyler Gage, co-founder of RUNA and Managing Director at Terrafertil, will deliver the keynote at next year’s KombuchaKon.

Tyler is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker whose personal trajectory in the business world aptly reflects the conference theme “Growing Strong Culture.” Like many members of the kombucha brewing community, Tyler started small, with a passion for traditional healing. He is known for offering inspiration to growing organizations, and for helping others examine how to dig deeper, and bring greater meaning and purpose to their personal and professional pursuits.

Tyler is a Forbes “30 Under 30 Entrepreneur” and a winner of both the Big Apple “Entrepreneur of the Year” Award, and the Specialty Food Association “Citizen Leader of the Year” Award. Tyler also serves on the Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship at Brown University and advises, invests in, and supports other start-ups. We are delighted to welcome him to KombuchaKon to share with our delegates his business savvy and unique and powerful approach to building business, and creating social good.

What is KombuchaKon?

KombuchaKon is the only conference and trade show specifically targeting those in the kombucha industry. Every year we come together for two days to discuss topics unique to the kombucha brewing industry. We network and share ideas, learn new techniques, take an in-depth look at market trends, and bond over kombucha “kocktails.”

New for 2019

Every year we strive to elevate the conference to make it a valuable event for everyone involved. Here are some of the changes we have in store for this year:

  • Business Week Conference – as we mature from our humble roots into a fully fledged industry, the conference is now taking place during the week. Come early or stay for the weekend to enjoy all that Los Angeles and Long Beach have to offer: bring the family and make it a mini vacation
  • Online Registration – no more delays to complete the registration process, plus we have some new offerings with your conference ticket.
  • Member-Tiered Pricing – in order to continue to improve the offerings at KombuchaKon, we are moving to a tiered ticket pricing system. We also have a new member tier level – more details coming soon! Register at your current tier level.
  • Lunch Option – instead of heading off-site to track down a meal, we are now offering an onsite lunch option. Spend more time at our even-bigger trade show, or grab your meal and have a picnic on the lawn outside with new and old friends.
  • Childcare – we know that brewing kombucha is often a family affair! Bring the little ones along and drop in whenever you wish to see how they are doing.
  • Passport Program – new this year, we are inviting sponsors to offer awesome prizes to our attendees. Get your passport stamped to enter the raffles. Winners will be drawn before the keynote on Friday.
  • KombuchaKon 2019 will be held on April 18-19, 2019 at the Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California. It will feature a conference, trade show, pre-party, cocktail reception and, of course, the World’s Largest Kombucha Bar!

KKon 2019 agenda: click here
Prospective attendees: click here
Interested in becoming a sponsorclick here
Press and media passesclick here

Kombucha Brewers International is the non-profit trade association for the international kombucha brewing industry. To learn more about the kombucha industry, or for more information on membership, please contact KBI President Hannah Crum at info@kombuchabrewers.org, or visit www.kombuchabrewers.org

The 2nd Annual KBI EU Committee Meeting was a resounding success!

The meeting attracted more than 40 attendees representing a total of 22 European breweries from 8 different countries. It also inspired a total of 16 new members – 14 brands and 2 affiliates.

On Thursday, president Hannah Crum hosted “Paella con la Presidente” and met with several KBI and non KBI Kombucha brands while enjoying the literal fruits of the sea and one of Spain’s most famous dishes. Friday night Flax and Kale hosted KBI members for a delicious meal and a tour of their onsite “Kombucha laboratory.” Then on Saturday, everyone gathered at Kashaya Kombucha’s newly opened brewery for the 2nd annual meeting program.

During the meeting, several vital topics were covered including the new Standard of Identity (SoI) for Kombucha being developed by KBI members and the Board which led to a lively discussion. Additionally, ways to establish the SoI in the EU were also explored as presented by Laurent Coullumbe-Labarthe (Karma, France), former head of KBI EU as well as Mireia Mas Gilbert (Kombucha la Valiente, Spain) one of the hosts and organizers of the KBI EU meeting. HubDiagnostics presented on their Kombucha testing portal they hope to launch later this year.

At the request of several members, we arranged a tour of a local beer brewery, Edge Brewery, being run by Americans in Barcelona. Thanks to a sponsor donation from Good Culture, KBI was able to subsidize half of the cost of the tour. The tour provided some insight into how larger types of equipment from the beer industry may potentially be used for Kombucha brewing, plus we all enjoyed some tasty brews and delicious fare.

Upon return to Kashaya, there were additional presentations; one from Mannanova and the other from Hanna Instruments on different types of testing equipment. Hanna Instruments gave away one of their testers and Nicolas Lavalliere (LOV Kombucha, Spain) was the winner! 

KBI EU Committee Secretary, Kendra Sepulveda Littles (Bliss Kombucha, Spain) provided a report from Veritas, a local organic market, regarding local Kombucha sales. Saturday night, we ventured out to Bailus Bar where we ordered Kombucha Kocktails which included spirits brewed onsite.

Sunday, a smaller group of KBI members traveled to  Tarragona, about an hour from Barcelona, to visit Kombucha la Valiente’s facility. Mireia and Javier were wonderful hosts and Krister Hall (The Good Guys Kombucha, Finland) provided a lesson in tea as that is his field of expertise and what inspired him to start brewing Kombucha.

We left Barcelona with so many great memories and thankfulness to everyone who attended the seminars, tours and delicious dinners. We’d like to offer our sincerest gratitude to all of the KBI members who went above and beyond donating their time and effort to make this a successful event

  • Kendra Littles (Bliss Kombucha, Spain)
  • Fern & Christopher (Kashaya Kombucha, Spain)
  • Mireia & Javier (Kombucha la Valiente, Spain)
  • Jesus Zamorano (Soul K, Spain)

Notes and the presentations from the meeting can be found HERE in the Member Forum.

We invite every KBI member from the EU to join us on our monthly European Committee meeting calls: 1st Wednesday of every month at 17:30 CEST

We hope you all had a good time and will consider joining us at KombuchaKon in April 2019! You can find addition information about how to attend or become a sponsor -> https://kombuchabrewers.org/kombuchakon-2019/



KBI is heading to Barcelona!
Join KBI members from across Europe for a weekend in Barcelona where will you will attend workshops and seminars on pertinent, local issues. You will also have the opportunity to sample Kombucha from local breweries while touring Barcelona.

When: October 19th – 21st, 2018
Where: Barcelona, Spain @ Various Locations

This is a weekend dedicate to KBI’s Europe Committee, you must be a member to attend.  If you are already a KBI Europe Committee member and would like to attend, please use This Link to register. The first attendee will be charged €20 and, upon completing registration, will receive a code that provides additional complimentary tickets to staff who work at the same brewery.

Current Agenda
(Subject to change and additional fees; all meals are pay as you go) 

Friday October 19

  • 2pm/14:00 Non-KBI Members – Meet KBI President & Learn more about KBI
  • 8pm/20:00 KBI-Members ONLY – Meet and greet casual dinner at the Kombucha Lab Flax and Kale
  • 11pm/23:00 Dr. Stravinsky for homemade kombucha cocktails

Saturday October 20
Kashaya Kombucha Brewery is our official host – thank you! (coffee & light snacks will be served)

  • 9am Coffee & Networking 
  • 10 am Conversation about Standard of Identity – Hannah Crum, KBI President
  • 11am Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) & Establishing KBI as an Association in the EU – Hannah Crum (KBI), Mireia Mas Gilbert (Kombucha la Valiente, Spain), Laurent Coulloumme-Labarthe (Karma Kombucha, France)
  • 12-2pm/12-14:00 Edge Brewery Tour (+ €20) beer brewery that offers tour & tasting
  • 3pm/15:00 – Afternoon program begins (Speakers TBD)
  • 9pm/21:00 – Meet for Dinner (Location TBD)
  • 11pm/23:00 – Drinks

Sunday October 21

  • 10-3pm/ 10-15:00 Visit Kombucha La Valiente Kombucha brewery in Tarragona (+ €20 for the bus transport to and from the brewery)

Become a Member
Not a KBI member? Check out our Membership page for additional information about KBI, membership perks and how to join!

Muchas Gracias to Kendra Sepulveda and the KBI EU Committee planning team for organizing this event!