Meet Our Members – Redefining Taste Buds (IND)

Samta Singla, Redefining Taste Buds, India

Q: When did you first discover kombucha?

A: I first discovered kombucha in 2000

Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company?

A: Being a Nutritionist, I came across people who are misguided and do not prioritize GUT health. Many resort to shortcuts, yo-yo diets, and quick-fix detox shakes, which are essentially band-aid solutions. Kombucha, on the other hand, is an ancient drink crafted by our devoted team of scientific scholars at the RTB facility. Our Mission is to serve Mankind and educate the basics of our ‘SECOND BRAIN’ – the ‘GUT’. We offer probiotics and nutrition guidelines firmly supported by science and unbiased research papers. We aim to heal one ‘GUT’ at a time.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of kombucha? 

A: Health-Ade Kombucha and Brew Dr.

Q: What is your former/current other life or career?

A: Nutritionist and Dietitian, Formerly Software Engineer

Q: What is a saying that you live by?

A: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.


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