Kombucha HACCP Plan Template Review Webinar

Kombucha HACCP Plan Template Review

Presented by:
Susan Fink


Susan has a bachelors degree in Food Science from the University of Wisconsin, an MBA from Roosevelt University in Chicago and has spent 40 years in the food industry working in various capacities including manufacturing, quality and R&D. In 2011, Susan founded KARMA KOMBUCHA , and was a KBI founding member and board director for five years. She continues to remain active with KBI serving as a consultant on various technical and regulatory issues. As an independent consultant, Susan also helps fledgling entrepreneurs with formulation, regulatory, and other key parameters related to beverage startups.


The Food Modernization and Safety Act (FSMA) is now law for all sizes of businesses across the United States. FSMA aims to shore up the food supply by requiring manufacturers of all sizes to be completely responsible for what’s in their products at all times. This means any food production business is required to generate several supporting documents that outlines every step of the process including HACCP plan (Hazardous And Critical Control Points), lot coding and recall procedures.

This hazard analysis is used to identify and control reasonable foreseeable biological, chemical, and physical hazards within the preparation, use, storage, transportation, and sale of perishable goods. It also determines critical control points (CCP) in the process of food production. If a preventative control is identified, written documentation of monitoring and verification procedures, corrective actions, and recall plan are required for each process control.

While there are many resources that one can read online or courses one can take to understand the principles, there are few resources outside of hiring a consultant that demonstrates how to apply these principles directly to Kombucha manufacturing. KBI is thrilled to announce that we now have editable templates for generating a HACCP plan for your Kombucha manufacturing process – one of the key pieces required by most state and local regulators prior to launching a Kombucha business.

Having a plan is only one piece of the puzzle, then the manufacturer has to be able to articulate to their inspectors the entire Kombucha fermentation process from SCOBY & starter liquid to finished product. Join us for an engaging discussion with Susan Fink, former Kombucha manufacturer of Karma Kombucha and food safety expert from her many years working at Kraft Foods and other large food manufacturers. This webinar will walk you through the template so you can fill it out based on your process plus provide an opportunity to ask questions.

We hope you will join us for this vital and engaging presentation. Webinar tickets provide access to the presentation but does not include the templates which are only available to KBI members at this time.

TEMPLATES AVAILABLE HERE (must be KBI member to access the templates).

We invite you to listen in and ask questions. FREE for KBI Members; $100 for non-members.


February 26th 11:30am PST


DATE: February 26th, 2020
TIME: 11:30am-1:30pm PST; 30 min presentation & 15 min Q&A
COST: Free for KBI members, $100 for non-members
Have questions? Please send in advance to admin@kombuchabrewers.org

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