Kombucha Brewers International is creating KBI “Kombucha Villages” at several festivals happening around the country in 2016. Similar to a beer tent, but featuring KBI Brewery Members, the Village involves several brands banded together for discount pricing on booths while also serving up tasty glasses of booch in a fun atmosphere. This movement is spearheaded by PR Committee […]

KBI President Hannah Crum will be meeting with lawmakers at a round table discussion on Capitol Hill immediately following the AOAC Mid-Year meeting. The Congressional meet and greet will take place March 15th at the Congressional offices on the Hill. March 15, 2016 12-1PM 402 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20515 As mentioned at […]

An unprecedented 219 kombucha brewers from 90 companies and 6 countries gathered this past weekend in sunny Long Beach, California for Kombucha Brewers International’s third annual conference, KombuchaKon 2016. This year’s KombuchaKon boasted impressive gains, including doubling last year’s attendance numbers, expansion from a single room into a conference center, a first […]

On February 2nd, 2016, Hannah Crum, KBI President, met with several members of the TTB (Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau) to discuss the trace amounts of ethanol naturally produced by the kombucha fermentation process and what steps the industry is taking to ensure companies remain in compliance of the current legal threshold for taxation of […]

On Sunday, September 27th, KBI president Hannah Crum and and Heath-Ade CEO Daina Trout, head of LGO committee (Special Projects Team) presented to the Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods (SPSFAM) at the annual conference of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) to establish a new Working Group with the aim of developing a […]

Kombucha is a complex, living product with an enormous range of styles and flavors that delight the senses and enliven the body. Mixed with juice, spices or brewed with other beverages; it is most often consumed raw but can also be filtered, force carbonated or in some cases pasteurized; and it can be fermented with […]

What is a HACCP Plan? A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points or HACCP Plan is a systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazards (biological, chemical, and physical) throughout the production process to prevent the risk of foodborne illness or other safety concerns. HACCP is based on the following seven […]

Melanie Wade, Golda Kombucha, Atlanta, GA, USA Q: When did you first discover Kombucha? My grandma brewed Kombucha for over 20 years and I always thought of it as “grandma’s weird mushroom tea.” But one day, about 4 or 5 years ago, she taught me how to make it myself. Q: Why did you start your own Kombucha company? After reading […]