Adam Benziger, Laughing Gut, Newburgh, NY Q: When did you first discover kombucha? I have always been a fan of fermented foods and emerging beverages brands. I was having stomach problems and heard that Kombucha can help, so I bought a bottle and have been obsessed ever since. Q: Why did you start your own […]
KBI Board Election Results Announced KBI was founded in 2014 with 40 member brands and 7 Board of Directors. Currently KBI boasts over Over the past several years, the Directors have shifted due to changes in company goals and focus. This has allowed new faces and voices to emerge. This year sees the biggest changes […]
Background Recently, the Department of Revenue in South Carolina was posed a curious question. Is kombucha considered a “similar fermented beverage” to beer? This question created a domino effect and some confusion as to how kombucha with an ABV of 0.5% and below ought to be regulated and by whom. “Crisis creates community” quipped KBI […]

Jin-su Hwang, I’m Alive Kombucha, Korea Q: When did you first discover kombucha? I discovered kombucha during my visit to Moscow, Russia in 2013. Q: Why did you start your own kombucha company? I wanted to start a company that could continually grow and I believed the food and beverage industry aligned well with that […]

Claire Irie, Lupa’s Kitchen, Doraville, GA Q: When did you first discover kombucha? I was introduced to kombucha through my mom & founder of Lupa’s Kombucha. She is one of the originals and started brewing back in the late 90’s when we lived in Jamaica, WI. Our current flavor profiles are heavily influenced by our […]

Kimberly Welch, Creature Craft Soda, Joplin, MO Q: When did you first discover kombucha? Just a few years ago, my husband came home one day and said, “Hey, have you heard of this kombucha stuff? I’m gonna grow a SCOBY so we can make it at home.” I busted up laughing because I had […]

Anne Savignard, Bulles d’Opale, France Q: When did you first discover kombucha? In 2019, after a training in the beer industry, I turned to traditional fermented plant-based drinks, and one thing leading to another, I discovered Kombucha. Enjoying tea and its health benefits, fascinated by the symbiotic blend of yeast and bacteria, I started to […]
By Chelsie KuglerVice President of Business Development, CFOShare (Like this article? View CFOShare’s KombuchaKon 2022 conference session here) It is very common for small businesses to need an infusion of capital at some stage of development. Most of us don’t have wealthy family members and friends, so how do you find someone interested enough in […]

A New Tool for the Kombucha Drinker’s Palate Like all the finer things in life, many of which also happen to be fermented, Kombucha is often an acquired taste. Over time, the Kombucha drinker’s palate becomes more sophisticated – able to discern subtle notes from the tea, flavorings or organisms in the fermentation process. To […]

Damian Foo, Scull, Australia Q: When did you first discover kombucha? Back in 2014 when I was immersing myself in the art of tea. Part of this process was building a mini library of tea books where I first stumbled on kombucha in several of these books. Hopped online and found a lady that lived […]